What If
by Billy Wiser
What if we grasped the moment that is now
(don't ask me when; don't ask me how)
and every person on the street
became the most important one to meet?
What if the Hindu fishermen
(the ones their Muslim neighbors sheltered in a mosque)
called on all Indians of whatever faith
to end sectarian strife?
What if the Tamil Tigers
(who lost so many children in the waves)
decided not to send any more
child soldiers to fight their Sri Lankan war?
What if in the USA
(tell me, why can't it happen today?)
the Christians put their weapons away
and disarmed their enemies with love?
What if the Laskar mujahedeen
(who killed Christians on the Malukus)
called on their brothers and sisters worldwide
to embrace nonviolence and peace?
Why can't it happen now
(while hands are helping and hearts are hurting)
that we remove all obstacles
to make this and much, much more possible?
Or will our hands and hearts and minds
(united now in a common humanity)
trade shovels, grief, and generosity
for guns and greed and animosity?
What if we grasped the moment that is now
(now we know when; now we know how)
and not put off what we can do today
for tomorrow, when all could be washed away?
by Billy Wiser

What if we grasped the moment that is now
(don't ask me when; don't ask me how)
and every person on the street
became the most important one to meet?
What if the Hindu fishermen
(the ones their Muslim neighbors sheltered in a mosque)
called on all Indians of whatever faith
to end sectarian strife?
What if the Tamil Tigers
(who lost so many children in the waves)
decided not to send any more
child soldiers to fight their Sri Lankan war?
What if in the USA
(tell me, why can't it happen today?)
the Christians put their weapons away
and disarmed their enemies with love?
What if the Laskar mujahedeen
(who killed Christians on the Malukus)
called on their brothers and sisters worldwide
to embrace nonviolence and peace?
Why can't it happen now
(while hands are helping and hearts are hurting)
that we remove all obstacles
to make this and much, much more possible?
Or will our hands and hearts and minds
(united now in a common humanity)
trade shovels, grief, and generosity
for guns and greed and animosity?
What if we grasped the moment that is now
(now we know when; now we know how)
and not put off what we can do today
for tomorrow, when all could be washed away?